Exercise 5 GIS Data Administration

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System Architecture Design Strategies (select here for table of contents)
1. System Design Process 2. GIS Software Technology 3. Software Performance 4. Server Software Performance
5. GIS Data Administration 6. Network Communications 7. Platform Performance 8. Information Security
9. GIS Product Architecture 10. Performance Management 11. City of Rome 12. System Implementation

The selected data source format can have a considerable impact on workflow functional limitations, as well as server and network processing loads.

  • Data source selection is a configuration parameter separate from the baseline workflow performance target selection, and the data source format performance adjustments are made for each workflow during final system configuration.
  • The data source options are different for imagery workflows, and CPT configuration options change based on the selected software technology pattern. Data source selection is a primary consideration when selecting each workflow during enterprise design configuration.

Use the CPT to determine platform capacities and workflows

In this exercise, you will perform the following tasks:

  • Configure the Platform Capacity Calculator with a web mapping workflow.
  • Extend the Platform Capacity Calculator to evaluate six web mapping data sources.
  • Configure the Platform Capacity Calculator for an ArcGIS image service workflow.
  • Extend the Platform Capacity Calculator to evaluate seven imagery data sources.
  • Configure the CPT Calculator with a custom ArcGIS image service workflow.
  • Add the imagery workflow to the Project Workflows list on the Workflow tab.

Step 1: How does data source selection affect web mapping platform capacity?

Use the Hardware tab Platform Capacity Calculator to demonstrate platform capacity for a web mapping workflow with available range of data source formats.

  • Use the Copy Sheet command to create a new PCCalc tab copy, and label it 5.1-3 (lesson 5, questions 1–3).
Best practice: It is good practice to move newly created CPT tabs to the end and label them for future reference.
  • Modify the Platform Capacity Calculator to include a total of six workflow rows in column A, one to represent each data source selection.
• Expose the Platform Capacity Calculator workflows located behind the Platform Capacity chart.
Tip: Use your pointer to move the Platform Capacity chart to the bottom, exposing the white workflow cells in column A.
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The Platform Capacity Calculator generates server throughput range for medium, heavy, and 2x medium complexity workflows and will show an error if you do not select a heavy workflow.

  • Select one of the workflow rows, and copy the row.
  • Select another row within the range of workflows and insert the copied cells, creating a new row.
  • Create a total of six rows to complete the required configuration.
  • In column A, select AGS REST 2D V Hvy 100%Dyn 13x7 PNG24 for all workflows.
Best practice: You can copy the workflow recipe from one cell to the next in column A.
  • In column I, select the six available vector data source options.
  • After the workflow rows are configured, replace the Platform Capacity chart back in its original position, below the Select Platform Configuration cell.

Now, you will use the modified workflow selection to evaluate hardware platform capacity.

  • In column A, select Xeon Gold 5122 4 core (1 chip) 3600 MHz for platform configuration.
  • In column C, select TPH capacity output.
  • In column E, select Physical Platform.
SADS 06 05Ex01.2 19CPT0201.jpg

1. What is the medium complexity capacity with a DB_DBMS data source? _____ TPH.

2. What is the medium complexity capacity with a small file geodatabase data source? _____ TPH.

3. What is the medium complexity capacity with a large shapefile data source? _____ TPH.

Step 2: How does data source selection affect web image service platform capacity?

Use the Platform Capacity Calculator to demonstrate platform capacity for an image service workflow with available range of imagery data source formats.

  • Use the Copy Sheet command to create a new PCCalc tab copy, and label it 5.4-6 (lesson 5, questions 4-6).
  • Modify the Platform Capacity Calculator to include a total of seven workflow rows in column A, one to represent each data source selection.
• Expose the Platform Capacity Calculator workflows located behind the Platform Capacity chart.
  • Use your pointer to move Platform Capacity chart to the bottom, exposing the white workflow cells in column A.
SADS 06 05Ex02.1 19CPT0201.jpg

The Platform Capacity Calculator generates a performance range for medium, heavy, and 2x medium complexity workflows and will show an error if you do not select a heavy workflow.

  • Select one of the workflow rows, and copy it.
  • Select another row within the range of workflows and insert the copied cells, creating a new row.
  • Create a total of seven rows to complete the required configuration.
  • In column A, select AGS Imagery 2D R Hvy 100%Dyn 19x10 JPEG for all workflows.
  • In column I, select the seven available imagery data source formats (excluding EGD_DBMS).
  • After the workflow rows are configured, replace the Platform Capacity chart back in its original position below the Select Platform Configuration cell.

Now, you can use the modified workflow selection to evaluate hardware platform capacity.

  • In column A, select Xeon Gold 5122 4 core (1 chip) 3600 MHz for platform configuration.
  • In column C, select TPH capacity output.
  • In column E, select Physical Platform.
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4. What is the medium complexity capacity with a TIFF uncompressed data source? _____ TPH.

5. What is the medium complexity capacity with a TIFFLZW data source? _____ TPH.

6. What is the medium complexity capacity with a MrSID data source? _____ TPH.

Step 3: Use the CPT Calculator to generate custom imagery workflow performance targets

Use the CPT Calculator to configure the following workflow.

SADS 06 05Ex03.1.jpg

Tip: Make an imagery selection in all cells that show a red background. If Calculator results become unstable, complete the red cell selections, and select RESET in cell E3. The Calculator should stabilize as you return to your imagery workflow selection.
  • Select the following user requirements and data source.
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  • Select the following hardware architecture and network settings.
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  • Deploy using a physical server platform with a 3-tier configuration.
• Selecting MSD EGDB in cell A11 hosts the mosaic dataset on the DBMS server.
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  • Use the Copy Sheet command to save a copy of the Calculator on a new tab, and label it 5.7-8.

7. What is the remote site 1 display response time? ____ sec.

8. Identify the number of required ArcGIS Server licensed cores (web/SOC tier). ____ cores.

9. What software is generating the DBMS server load? ____.

Step 4: Add the custom imagery workflow to Project Workflows on the CPT Workflow tab

  • Select and copy any project workflow row, and insert the copied cells to add a new workflow template.
  • Locate the selected CPT Calculator workflow at the bottom of the CPT Workflow tab.
Tip: Software technology performance factors for the custom workflow must be configured on the CPT Calculator tab.
  • Select and copy the blue calculator workflow cells in columns A through O.
  • Select the new project workflow cell in column A, and Paste Special/Values to insert the new Calculator-generated workflow service times into the new project workflow.
Best practice: It is good practice to copy the workflow recipe (column A) and Paste Special/Values into the workflow description column (located in column AF) to the document workflow source.
  • Insert Nickname (WebImage_) as the new workflow prefix.
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10. What is the total Arc19 baseline processing time (column P) for the WebImage workflow?

Answers to Lesson 5 questions

  • 1. What is the medium complexity capacity with a DB_DBMS data source? 79,800 TPH
  • 2. What is the medium complexity capacity with a small file geodatabase data source? 98,500 TPH
  • 3. What is the medium complexity capacity with a large shapefile data source? 27,500 TPH
  • 4. What is the medium complexity capacity with a TIFF uncompressed data source? 103,400 TPH
  • 5. What is the medium complexity capacity with a TIFFLZW data source? 59,200 TPH
  • 6. What is the medium complexity capacity with a MrSID data source? 39,000 TPH
  • 7. What is the remote site 1 display response time? 4.54 sec
  • 8. Identify the number of required ArcGIS Server licensed cores (web/SOC tier). 4 cores
  • 9. What software is generating the DBMS server load? Mosaic dataset
  • 10. What is the total Arc19 baseline processing time (column P) for the WebImage workflow? 0.137 sec

Lesson 5 CPT Exercise review

System Architecture Design Strategies (select here for table of contents)
1. System Design Process 2. GIS Software Technology 3. Software Performance 4. Server Software Performance
5. GIS Data Administration 6. Network Communications 7. Platform Performance 8. Information Security
9. GIS Product Architecture 10. Performance Management 11. City of Rome 12. System Implementation