One-way replication

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A type of geodatabase replication that allows data changes to be sent multiple times from the parent replica to the child replica. In a one-way replication, the data in the parent replica is editable, and the data in the child replica is read-only. During synchronization, edits are applied directly to the child replica so that no conflicts occur. ArcSDE geodatabases are used to create one-way replicas.[1]

One-way replication is similar to two-way replication, in that changes may be sent many times after establishing the replicas, however the changes are sent in only one direction; from the parent database to the child replica. An example is with a production (parent) database and a publication (child) database. Changes are made by editors to the production database, and then pushed to the publication database as needed. By design, no editing is done on the publication database, so there's no need for two-way replication.[2]

In ArcGIS, you can manage replicas using Replica Manager. With this utility, you can rename, refresh, and review the properties of each replica as well as remove datasets from a replica. You may also view all replicas with a role of parent or child; list only checkout/check-in, one-way, two-way, or all types of replicas; and view the replica log. This utility is available in both ArcCatalog and ArcMap.[3]


  1. Wade, Tasha, ed.; Sommer, Shelly, ed. A to Z GIS: An illustrated dictionary of geographic information systems, ESRI Press, 2006
  2. Geodatabase Replication: An Overview. ESRI Instructional Series Podcast (transcription). 13 February 2007.
  3. Managing replicas, ArcGIS Server 9.3.1 online help, Accessed 31 March 2010

See Also