System Design Strategies popular pages 33rd Edition

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System Design Strategies (select here for table of contents)
System Design Strategies 33rd Edition (Fall 2013)
1. System Design Process 2. GIS Software Technology 3. Software Performance 4. Server Software Performance
5. GIS Data Administration 6. Network Communications 7. GIS Product Architecture 8. Platform Performance
9. Information Security 10. Performance Management 11. System Implementation 12. City of Rome
A1. Capacity Planning Tool A2. ESD Planning Tools A3. Acronyms and Glossary Preface (Executive Summary)

Fall 2013 System Design Strategies popular pages

Popular pages are one of the useful metrics shared on Popular pages show the cumulative view statistics for each of the pages within and rank their popularity. Over 2216 separate wiki pages are currently published on by the GIS user community.

The System Design Strategies wiki (SDSwiki) was initially published on in 2010. Since that time, the SDSwiki pages have become the most popular content available on

SDSwiki cummulative page hits

Figure B2.1 SDSwiki cumulative page hits share what content is most useful to the GIS community.
Popular pages statistics share a global understanding of what SDSwiki content is most useful to the GIS community. The most useful content can be expanded to provide the user community information they need for better understanding and improve their GIS operations.

The Wiki rank shows the overall page popularity on All SDSwiki chapters rank within the top 41 pages of Figure B2.1 shares the cumulative page hits for the SDSwiki content.

SDSwiki popularity trend analysis

Figure B2.2 SDSwiki popular pages trend analysis shares how content relevance changes over time.
Viewing SDSwiki popular pages over time gives feedback on chapter performance, highlighting chapter content that is most helpful to the GIS community. Trend information is used to identify important SDSwiki content that should be highlighted in System Architecture Design Strategies training and consulting services. Figure B1.2 shares a trend analysis of SDSwiki chapter popularity over time.

SDSwiki current 6-month page hit rate

Figure B2.3 SDSwiki 6-month page hit rate analysis highlights the most current relevant content.
Viewing page hit rates over time shows the most recent popularity of the SDSwiki chapter content. Over time the relevance of each chapter changes based on what the GIS community needs to know. The page hit rate information is used to identify which chapter content is most relevant over the last 6-months and highlights areas that provide the most benefit to users. Figure B1.3 shares the most recent SDSwiki 6-month page hit rate.


The System Design Strategies wiki content is an exclusive resource used for successful design and deployment of geographic information systems technology. This documentation is provided to share system architecture design methodology and the fundamental principles that contribute to system performance and scalability.

System Design Strategies (select here for table of contents)
System Design Strategies 33rd Edition (Fall 2013)
1. System Design Process 2. GIS Software Technology 3. Software Performance 4. Server Software Performance
5. GIS Data Administration 6. Network Communications 7. GIS Product Architecture 8. Platform Performance
9. Information Security 10. Performance Management 11. System Implementation 12. City of Rome
A1. Capacity Planning Tool A2. ESD Planning Tools A3. Acronyms and Glossary Preface (Executive Summary)

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Specific license terms for this content
System Design Strategies 26th edition - An Esri ® Technical Reference Document • 2009 (final PDF release)