Exercise 11 City of Portland

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System Architecture Design Strategies (select here for table of contents)
1. System Design Process 2. GIS Software Technology 3. Software Performance 4. Server Software Performance
5. GIS Data Administration 6. Network Communications 7. Platform Performance 8. Information Security
9. GIS Product Architecture 10. Performance Management 11. City of Rome 12. System Implementation

Use the CPT to design a system for the City of Portland

The City of Portland has requested a system architecture design for establishing hardware and network requirements for its planned GIS deployment.

Centralized configuration strategy

The City of Portland network architecture includes a central City Hall and two remote site locations (Maintenance Facility and Sandy River). The city's IT department is located on the third floor of City Hall. The following graphic provides a diagram of the network architecture.

City of Portland network architecture drawing, showing user locations and associated network connectivity.

In this exercise, you will perform the following tasks:

  • Establish project workflows for the existing operations from recipes identified during the user-needs assessment.
  • Use identified peak loads and the CPT Design tab to complete a network suitability analysis for the existing operations.
  • Use the CPT Design tab to complete the identified hardware and software configuration.
  • Use the CPT Design tab to identify hardware upgrade requirements for existing operations.
  • Establish project workflows for ArcGIS Enterprise IOC operations from recipes identified during the user-needs assessment.
  • Use identified peak loads and the CPT Design tab to complete an ArcGIS Enterprise IOC network suitability analysis.
  • Use the CPT Design tab to identify ArcGIS Enterprise IOC hardware requirements.

Step 1: Establish project workflows for exisiting Portland operations from recipes identified during the user-needs assessment

In this step, you will use results of the City of Portland user-needs assessment to create Project Workflows in the CPT Workflow tab.

City of Portland GIS user needs.
  • The following City of Portland user requirements represent existing Portland GIS operations with three departments and two separate remote locations. ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) is the client application used for spatial data maintenance, and an enterprise geodatabase is used as the spatial database. ArcGIS Server is used to support web services.
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  • Use the CPT Calculator or Standard Workflows to identify Project Workflows for each of the existing operations use cases.
• DeskPower: ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) City Hall local editors
• DeskView: ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) City Hall local viewers
• CitrixPower: ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) remote editors
• CitrixView: ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) remote viewers
• WebLocal: Internal web services
• WebPublic: Public web services

Workflow receipes were identified during the user needs assessment and provided in the Workflow Favorites summary.

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Now, you will complete the CPT workflow selection procedure.

Best practice: Save copy of the CPT as a new City of Portland workbook.
  • Create your Project Workflows on the CPT Workflow tab (assign workflow name) based on the following workflow descriptions gathered from the user-needs assessment.
CPT Workflow performance targets
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Best practice: City of Portland Project Workflow services times were generated from the user-needs workflow recipes.
1. What is the DeskPower workflow Arc19 total service time? ____sec
2. What is the CitrixPower client traffic? _____Mbpd
3. What is the WebPublic ArcGIS Server Arc19 SOC service time? _____sec

Step 2: Use identified peak loads and the CPT Design tab to complete the existing operations requirements analysis

You will now complete the Portland existing operations CPT requirements analysis.

Best practice: Use the Copy Sheet command to create a copy of the CPT Design tab, move it to the end, and label it PRequire (Portland requirements analysis).
  • Configure two remote sites on the data center WAN and one remote site on the Internet.
  • Configure the user workflows for each network location.
• Three workflows on LAN (53 DeskPower, 17 DeskView, 20,000 TPH WebLocal)
• Three workflows on Maintenance Facility (108 CitrixPower, 40 CitrixView, 12,000 TPH WebLocal)
• Two workflows on Sandy River (15 CitrixView, 3,000 TPH WebLocal)
• One workflow on public Internet (96,000 TPH WebPublic)
  • In column B, select the required workflows from the Project Workflows list.
  • In column C, enter peak concurrent users.
  • In column D, enter projected TPH.
  • In column H, enter existing network bandwidth.
• 1,000 Mbps for LAN
• 310 Mbps for WAN and Maintenance facility
• 45 Mbps for Sandy River
• 90 Mbps for Internet and public clients
CPT Design network suitability analysis for Portland existing operations
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4. What is the peak traffic for the data center WAN? ____Mbps
5. What is the peak traffic for the Sandy River gateway? ____Mbps

Step 3: Use the CPT Design tab to complete the identified hardware configuration

The IT department plans to deploy in a virtual server environment with a separate data flow and data source for local and public Web services.

Best practice: Use the Copy Sheet command to create a copy of the PRequire tab, move it to the end, and label it PHWConfig (Portland hardware configuration).

You will now complete the CPT platform configuration procedure.

  • Establish four-tier architecture in the virtual server Platform Selection module, and update nicknames for each platform tier (WTS, Web, GIS, and DBMS).
  • Establish two virtual server host platform tiers:
• Use the Citrix host platform for the WTS tier.
• Use the server host platform for the Web, GIS, and DBMS tier.
• Update the nicknames for each host platform tier (Citrix, Server).

In column B, select the workstation and host platform for each tier.

• Intel Core i7-6700 4-core workstation will represent client desktops.
• Select Citrix host for the WTS platform tier.
• Select Server host for remaining platform tier in column I.
CPT platform configuration
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Step 4: Use the CPT Design tab to complete the identified software configuration

You will configure software for a generic system architecture design.

Best practice: Use the Copy Sheet command to create a copy of the PHWConfig tab, move it to the end, and label it PSWConfig (Portland software configuration).

You will use this new worksheet to complete the workflow software configuration.

  • Open the Software Configuration module in columns J through R by selecting the first column group (+) located above column S.
Best practice: You can hide columns C through I for a simpler display of the software configuration.
  • In row 5, select the default software install platforms (Client, WTS, Web, GIS, DBMS).

We will use a generic install, along with the platform architecture drawing, to complete the system architecture design.

  • In column R, select the DB_DBMS data source for all workflows.
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Best practice: The generic system design approach allows flexibility in defining workflow profiles and enables support for complex data center platform environments.

Step 5: Use the CPT Design tab to identify hardware upgrade requirements for existing operations

After the CPT Requirements Analysis, Network Suitability, Platform Selection, and Software Configuration modules are complete, Excel will complete the system architecture design.

Best practice: Use the Copy Sheet command to create a copy of the PSWConfig tab, move it to the end, and label it PDesign (Portland design solution).

You will use this new worksheet to review system architecture design upgrade options for the Portland existing operations.

  • Unhide all columns, and select column group 1 to show the final design solution.
Note: The IT department plans to deploy in a virtual server environment with a separate data flow and data source for local and public Web services as shown in the following platform architecture drawing.

Portland existing operations data center platform architecture

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Now you will complete the CPT Design hardware tier configurations.

  • In column I, select VServer and 2 core/node for the Web tier and 4 core/node for the WTS, GIS, and DBMS tier.
  • In CPT Design column H, select High Avail and 80 percent rollover for each tier.
Best practice: Virtual server host platform selection will drive hardware cost, user productivity, and software licensing. Select an optimum platform configuration to satisfy overall business needs.

Portland existing operations system architecture design solution

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  • After review, you can upgrade virtual server platform tier for optimum performance.
• Upgrade WTS virtual server tier to 8-core/node.
• Upgrade DBMS virtual server tier to 4-core/node.
Best practice: Higher capacity virtual server platforms can improve display performance.
6. Identify the recommended high-availability WTS tier server configuration. ____ 8-core virtual servers
7. Identify the recommended high-availability Web tier configuration. _____ 2-core virtual servers
8. Identify the recommended high-availability GIS tier configuration. _____ 2-core virtual servers
9. What is the total ArcGIS Enterprise licensing requirement? ____ core
  • Xeon Gold 6128 12 core platforms provide the optimum Server host tier solution.
10. How many 12-core physical host platforms support this configuration? ____ host servers
  • Xeon Gold 6132 28-core platforms provide the optimum Citrix host tier solution.
11. What is the minimum recommended memory for the 28-core Citrix host platforms? _____ GB RAM per host server

Step 6: Establish project workflows for ArcGIS Enterprise IOC operations from recipes identified during the user-needs assessment

In this step, you will use results of the City of Portland IOC user-needs assessment to create Project Workflows in the CPT Workflow tab.

City of Portland ArcGIS Enterprise IOC user needs

Portland ArcGIS Enterise IOC operations user requirements

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The following workflows will be changed to support the Portland IOC deployment:

• DeskView replaced by DeskProView: ArcGIS Desktop (Pro) local and remote viewers.
• PortalFSvc: New WebMap services shared on Portal for ArcGIS platform.

Workflow receipes were identified during the user needs assessment and provided in the Workflow Favorites summary.

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Now, you will complete the CPT workflow selection procedure.

  • Create additional Project Workflows on the CPT Workflow tab (assign workflow name) based on the workflow descriptions gathered from the user-needs assessment.
• DeskProView: ArcGIS Pro with client feature caching.
• PortalFSvc: Portal feature services for system of engagement.

CPT Workflow performance targets

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Note: CPT Workflow performance targets show DeskProView productivity = 6. Desktop productivity is normally 10. Later CPT models generate default Desktop productivity = 10 for all Desktop workflows. Use DeskProView productivity = 6 for this exercise to match student documentation.
12. What is the DeskProView ArcGIS Desktop client Arc19 total service time? ____sec
13. What is the DeskProView client traffic? ____ Mbpd
14. What is the PortalFSvc ArcGIS Server Arc19 SOC service time? ____sec

Step 7: Use identified peak loads and the CPT Design tab to complete an ArcGIS Enterprise IOC requirements analysis

You will now complete the Portland Enterprise IOC CPT Design requirements analysis.

Best practice: Use the Copy Sheet command to create a copy of the CPT PDesign tab, move it to the end, and label it PRequireIOC (Portland IOC requirements analysis).
  • Change the CPT Design configuration to include the new ArcGIS Pro workflows.
• Replace local DeskView workflows with DeskProView.
• Replace remote CitrixView workflows with DeskProView.
  • Add additional Web services workflow to each site environment.
• LAN: PortalFSvc (2,000 TPH)
• Maintenance Facility: PortalFSvc (1,200 TPH)
• Sandy River: PortalFSvc (300 TPH)
• Internet clients: PortalFSvc (9,600 TPH)
  • In column B, select the required workflows from the Project Workflows list.
  • In column D, enter projected TPH.
  • Register existing Web services with Portal (select Portal in Column W).
15. What is the bandwidth utilization (column I) for the Sandy River network? _____percent
  • In column I, review network bandwidth utilization.
• Reduce Sandy River bandwidth to 24 Mbps due to reduced peak traffic requirements.
Best practice: Sandy River network bandwidth (Column H) can be reduced to 24 Mbps with minimum display performance impact, and this would reduce monthly service provider costs.

CPT Design network suitability analysis for Portland existing operations

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16. What is the peak traffic for the data center WAN? ____ Mbps
17. What is the peak traffic for the Sandy River gateway? ____ Mbps

Step 8: Use the CPT Design tab to identify ArcGIS Enterprise IOC hardware requirements

After the CPT Requirements Analysis, Network Suitability, Platform Selection, and Software Configuration modules are complete, Excel will complete the system architecture design.

Best practice: Generic Platform tier and default Software configuration does not change from the Portland existing operations configurations.
Best practice: Use the Copy Sheet command to create a copy of the PRequireIOC tab, move it to the end, and label it PDesignIOC (Portland IOC design solution).

You will use this new worksheet to review system architecture design upgrade options for the Portland IOC operations.

  • Unhide all columns, and select column group 1 to show the final design solution.
Note: The IT department plans to follow workflow separation best practices and deploy in a virtual server environment with a separate data flow and data source for local and public Web services (separating System of Record from System of Engagement workflows) as shown in the following platform architecture drawing.

Portland ArcGIS Enterprise IOC operations data center platform architecture

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  • Complete the CPT Design hardware tier configurations.
Best practice: Virtual server host platform selection will drive hardware cost, user productivity, and software licensing. Select an optimum platform to satisfy overall business needs.

City of Portland ArcGIS Enterprise operations system architecture design solution

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  • Upgrade virtual server platform tier for optimum performance.
• Upgrade WTS virtual server tier to 8-core/node.
• Upgrade DBMS virtual server tier to 4-core/node.
Best practice: Higher capacity virtual server compute intensive platforms will improve display performance with minimum cost impact.
  • Xeon Gold 6132 28-core host platforms provide the lowest cost Citrix host tier solution.
18. Identify the recommended high-availability WTS tier server configuration. _____ 8-core virtual servers
19. How many 28-core physical host platforms support this configuration? _____ 28-core host servers
  • Xeon Gold 5115 20-core host platforms provide the lowest cost Server host tier solution.
20. What is the minimum recommended memory for the 20-core Server host platforms? _____ GB RAM per host servers
21. Identify the recommended high-availability Web tier configuration. _____ 2-core virtual servers
22. Identify the recommended high-availability GIS tier configuration. _____ 2-core virtual servers
23. What is the total ArcGIS Enterprise licensing requirement? Up to _____ cores

Answers to Lesson 11 questions

  • 1. What is the DeskPower workflow Arc19 total service time? 0.542 sec
  • 2. What is the CitrixPower client traffic? 7.910 Mbpd
  • 3. What is the WebPublic ArcGIS Server Arc19 SOC service time? 0.066 sec
  • 4. What is the peak traffic for the data center WAN? 199.6 Mbps
  • 5. What is the peak traffic for the Sandy River gateway? 15.0 Mbps
  • 6. Identify the recommended high-availability WTS tier server configuration. Four 8-core virtual servers
  • 7. Identify the recommended high-availability Web tier configuration. Four 2-core virtual servers
  • 8. Identify the recommended high-availability GIS tier configuration. Four 2-core virtual servers
  • 9. What is the total ArcGIS Enterprise licensing requirement? Up to 8 cores
  • 10. How many 12-core physical host platforms support this configuration? Two host servers
  • 11. What is the minimum recommended memory for the 28-core Citrix host platforms? 480 GB RAM per host server
  • 12. What is the DeskProView ArcGIS Desktop client Arc19 total service time? 0.365 sec
  • 13. What is the DeskProView client traffic? 5.773 Mbpd
  • 14. What is the PortalFSvc ArcGIS Server Arc19 SOC service time? 0.013 sec
  • 15. What is the bandwidth utilization (column I) for the Sandy River network? 37 percent
  • 16. What is the peak traffic for the data center WAN? 206.1 Mbps
  • 17. What is the peak traffic for the Sandy River gateway? 16.6 Mbps
  • 18. Identify the recommended high-availability WTS tier server configuration. Three 8-core virtual servers
  • 19. How many 28-core physical host platforms support this configuration? Two 28-core host servers
  • 20. What is the minimum recommended memory for the 20-core Server host platforms? 548 GB RAM per host servers
  • 21. Identify the recommended high-availability Web tier configuration. Eight 2-core virtual servers
  • 22. Identify the recommended high-availability GIS tier configuration. Eight 2-core virtual servers
  • 23. What is the total ArcGIS Enterprise licensing requirement? Up to 16 cores

Lesson 11 CPT Exercise review

System Architecture Design Strategies (select here for table of contents)
1. System Design Process 2. GIS Software Technology 3. Software Performance 4. Server Software Performance
5. GIS Data Administration 6. Network Communications 7. Platform Performance 8. Information Security
9. GIS Product Architecture 10. Performance Management 11. City of Rome 12. System Implementation